Basics of Programming with Python

Basics of Programming with Python

1. What is Python?

Ø Python is an interpreted, object oriented, high level programming language.

Ø It was founded by Guido Van Russum in 1991

Ø Python is open and free source

2. What are features of python?

Ø Python is open and free source

Ø It is high level language

Ø It is easy to syntax and easy to code

Ø Readable codes in Python

Ø It is portable Language

Ø It is an interpreted Language

3. Explain about the PEP8.

Ø PEP8 is Python enhancement proposal. It is official document and consists of the rules regarding to the Python language. The rules are as follows.

Ø Maximum characters in one line limited to 79 characters.

Ø Indentation is important while writing code. Use proper indentation.

Ø Naming convections should be proper and easy to understand by anyone.


4. What are namespaces in Python?

Ø Namespaces is a system ensures that all names should be unique and proper.

Ø Ex: If in a class there are two students name Ram. But specially when we are talking about the Ram Sharma. It is easy to understand and Namespaces in Python works as their surname for easy to understand.


5. How Memory manages in Python?

Ø In python consist of private heap in which all the objects and data structures stored in that private heap. Python memory manager manages private heap.

Ø There is garbage collector in python which recycles unused memory.


6. What are Local and global variables?

Ø Local variable:

If the variable declared inside the function then it is only accessible inside function So it is called Local variable.

Ø Global Variable:

If the variable declared outside the function and it is accessible anywhere in the projects. It is known as Global Variable.


7. What are the types of operators?

Ø Arithmetic Operator:

It is use with numeric values to perform calculations. It consists of the +, -, *, /, %


If a = 15 and b = 5

1.    Addition : a + b = 15 + 5 = 20

2.    Subtraction: a – b = 15 – 5 = 10

3.    Multiplication: a*b = 15*5 = 75

4.    Divison: a/b = 15/5 = 3

5.    Modulus: a%b = 15%5 = 0

Ø Comparison operator:

It is use to compare to values. It consists of the ==, <, >, >=, <=,

Ø Assignment operator:

It is use to assign values, It consists of the =, +=, -=, %=, //=, <<=, >>=

Ø Logical operator:

It is used to combine conditional statements

§                         And: If both the values are true then it will true

§                         Or: If one of value is true then it will true

§                        Not: Reverse the results. If the result is true, it returns false and if the result is false, it returns true.

8. How comments are written in python?

Ø Single line comments: It is given by #

Ø Multiple line comments: It is given by ‘’’’’’’This is it’’’’’’’’

9. What are list and tuples in python?

Ø List: It is unordered and mutable collections. Implications of iterations are time consuming. It consumes more memory. We can change the values from list. We can easily add or remove elements from the list. It is given by ().

Ø Tuple: It is unordered and un-changeable collections. Implications of iterations are faster. We can’t change the values from tuples. It consumes less memory. We can’t easily add or remove elements from the tuples but only access it. It is given by [].


10. What is Lambda in python?

       It is small function that has only one expression.


       a = lambda b: b+10


       Output: 14


11. What is Pass, Break, continue statements?

Ø Pass: If we haven’t anything to write the we use pass statement. It do nothing.

Ø Break: If we want to stop or terminate the loop then, we use break statement.

Ø Continue: If we want to skip the particular condition then, the continue statement is use.











  • Nikheel Joshi
  • Mar, 28 2022

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