What is data analytics and how does it work?
Data Analytics

What is data analytics and how does it work?

Data analytics is defined as "the process of analysing raw data in order to discover trends and answer questions that captures the field's broad scope." That does, however, cover a wide range of approaches with a wide range of objectives.

Some aspects of the data analytics process are applicable to a wide range of initiatives and projects. A effective data analytics initiative would provide a clear picture of where you're from, where you 've been, and where you'll be going by combining these elements.

Typically, descriptive analytics is the first step in this process. The process of describing historical trends in data is known as historical trend analysis. The goal of descriptive analytics is to provide an answer to the question, "What happened?" Traditional indicators such as return on investment are frequently used in this context. Each industry will have its own set of indicators that it will use. Descriptive analytics does not make predictions or provide decision-making information. The primary goal of this paper is to interpret and describe the data.

The following step is advanced analytics, which is a critical component of data analytics. This subfield of data science makes use of sophisticated tools to extract information from data, make predictions, and uncover trends. Among the available tools are traditional statistics and deep learning. "Advanced analytics are enabled by machine learning technologies such as neural networks, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and other similar techniques." This data is derived from statistical data and provides new information. The focus of advanced analytics is on the "what if?" questions.

Machine learning techniques, large data sets, and low-cost computing capabilities have facilitated such technics to be used in a variety of fields and industries. Large amounts of data must be collected in order to develop these techniques. When businesses have access to large amounts of cheap computing power, they can draw meaningful conclusions from a wide range of complex and diverse datasets. This is due to the increased use of parallel processing and the availability of inexpensive computing power in large quantities.

Methods and techniques for data analytics are addressed.

When it comes to data analysis, data analysts employ a variety of methods and techniques. The following are seven of the most popular job titles,

Regression analysis: “When estimating the relationships between variables, regression analysis is used to determine how changes in one or more variables may affect the relationships between other variables”. For example, what impact might social media advertising have on sales?

Monte Carlo simulation: “When dealing with a process that cannot be predicted easily due to the intervention of random variables Monte Carlo simulations are used to model and predict the probability of different outcomes”. It is frequently employed in the field of risk analysis.

Factor analysis “As a statistical method, factor analysis can be used to take a large data set and condense it into a smaller, more manageable one”. This has the additional benefit of frequently revealing previously unseen patterns. In the business world, factor analysis is frequently used to investigate issues such as customer loyalty.

Cohort analysis “Cohort analysis is a technique for breaking down a dataset into groups of people who have similar characteristics, known as cohorts, for the purpose of analysis”. This is frequently employed in order to better understand customer segments.

Cluster analysis: “Cluster analysis is a class of techniques that are used to classify objects or cases into relative groups known as clusters For example insurance companies might use cluster analysis to figure out why certain locations are associated with certain types of insurance claims which could lead to a better understanding of how the data is arranged”.

Time series analysis: “Time series analysis is a statistical technique that deals with time series data, also known as trend analysis”.Data in a time series refers to data that is organised into a series of specific time periods or intervals. For example, weekly sales numbers can be used to identify trends and cycles over time by using time series analysis (see Figure 1). It is frequently employed in the economic and sales forecasting industries.

Sentiment analysis “In order to understand the feelings expressed in the data, sentiment analysis makes use of tools such as natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and other techniques”. “Sentiment analysis is a qualitative method that seeks to interpret and classify qualitative data by organising it into themes, whereas the previous six methods sought to analyse quantitative data (data that could be measured). It is frequently employed in order to determine how customers feel about a particular brand, product, or service”.


  • Shailesh Maurya
  • Mar, 25 2022

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