Why MERN STACK a better option for Web Development?
Usually, if you have encountered a problem, someone else has as well, so why not share some of that useful knowledge with others? With this in mind, I will try to answer the very commonly asked question. Why MERN stack?
MERN Stack
MERN stands for MongoDB, express.js, react.js, and node.js. All of the technologies used in MERN are open-source. This feature allows a developer to use open sources to find answers to questions that may arise during development. As a result, a developer will benefit from it. MERN is simple and quick because everything is written in the same language.
4 Reasons Why Choose MERN Stack
1. React.js
The first reason why MERN stack is React.js. React was created at Facebook in 2011 and is now the most popular javascript library for creating user interfaces. React.js is the most popular library and framework for creating user interfaces. Take a look at the popularity of React.js on Google Trends.
1. Angular and view are the other two players in this space, so if you want to expand your job opportunities as a front-end developer, you should really have React.js on your resume. At the heart of all React.js applications are components, which are essentially pieces of the user interface.
2. As a result, when developing applications with React, we create a collection of isolated and reusable components, which we then combine to create complex user interfaces. Every react application has at least one root component, which represents the root application and contains other child components. So, every react application is essentially a tree of components, which should sound familiar if you've worked with Angular 2 or higher.
I've made this JSON object, the question comes to mind: if that's the format I love to work in, what is the best data store to handle JSON objects?
If you love working with JSON which database of choice should you use? When we evaluate technology we ought to have some type of criteria to make our decisions against.
1. Flexibility: I've already started here with the JSON object. So as you can see and guess, MongoDB is great for storing NoSQL data structures. You can take a JSON object, a document, that really has no structure in any number of fields.
2. Moreover, It's great to store that. Then it also is an in-memory data store. This means you have relatively easy access. JSON documents can be any kind of size.
3. Also, one other great feature that I've noticed is if you want to add a longitude, latitude to a JSON object, Mongo is great for querying, doing geospatial queries against these data sets as well.
4. Implementation: yes, you got to make sure that all the SDKs are available, are there any limitations that you have to account for. So of course, there is JavaScript, there's Java, Golang, there's pretty much all the value pairs.
5. Development: I would say yes, it's very easy to set up a single instance.
3. Express.JS
Let's have a look at routing for example so this is what the routing looks like.
- Faizan
- Mar, 31 2022